Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Code Breakers in WW2
This website is about a man called Alan
Turing. I read the paragraphs and learned
that human'sthought really affects many
things. Just like Alanhad a great influence
in code breaking.
Picture1:Code breaking machine.
This website is about another man named
Harry Beckhough. He is a code breaker
during WorldWar Two. I watched the video
and read the article I realized a litigant in
WW2 can recount the war in the best way.
Picture2:Binary code.
This is a video about code breakers during WW2:

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Prisoners of War
This website is about German prisoners of war in
Britain. I read the paragraphs and look at some
pictures. German prisoners often changed their
camps in Britain. You can detect that there were
lots of camps in Britain from the picture right.
However, they still didn't get basic demand.
Picture1: Network of POW camps in Britain.

There are several pictures in this website. All
of them are about the prisoners in World War
Two. I scan all pictures.There were many
German prisoners which were caught by
American. The picture right is about Jewish
civilians.Black and white picture also reflects
their agonizing life.
Picture2: Jewish civilians.

German prisoners of the US army:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Spies in WW2
This is a Q and A about spies of Britain. Their
spies were successful because they all came
from different countries. I learn different
languages can make the spying job safer.

Picture1:A spy been caught.
This is another Q and A, about German spies. Comparing with

spies of Britain, spies of Germany were really helpless. They
were often caught by Britain immediately. However, their
military was still strong.

Picture2:"Careless Talk Costs Lives".

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pearl Harbor
This article length is so long that I just read some
paragraphs. After I read it, I found people like to show
the results by numbers. However, we have to put the
emphasis on preventing attacks like this.

This website talks about a story of a couple that lived
in Pearl Harbor. I read all of it and found the attack
of Pearl Harbor was the most successful one than the
others. I also learned countries didn't care what they
were attacking during the war. Though the houses
of civilian.
The length of this website is much longer than the first
website I found. Call me if you finish reading all of it.
There's a film "Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor". From the
sentence president said:“day which will live in infamy”
I realized how brutal Japan was that time.
Picture1:Pearl Harbor in 1941 Picture2:The house in Pearl Harbor Picture3:Battleship USS
Arizona explodes

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bombing Raids in WW2
This website talks about bombing raids in Britain
and Germany. Germany bombed London, and
Britain revenged. It wouldn't end if Britain didn't
win the war. However, weapons broke many
families, not except for Germans.
I view this website and read the article. There are
many statistics in the last paragraph. Bombing
Raids caused enormous damage during WW2. It
shows there is no honorable war. War can't occur.
This video is about the battle of Britain. At first
there were many people preparing bombs. You can
see bombing raids and dogfights, too. After I watch-
ed the film, if humans didn't record the war, our
later generations won't learn the brutal of war.
Picture1:An 8th Air Force B-17 makes a bombing run over Marienburg, Germany, in 1943
Picture2:Lancaster over Hamburg

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Iroquois Nation
I watched pictures of models they made. They've done a
good job. Iroquois Indians lived in which New York state
is now. I learn that things change quickly in the same place.
For example, the Longhouse vanished and buildings appear.

I read all questions and answers in this website. I learn
more about the life in Indian culture. I also know there
are somethings still don't change after hundreds years.
Take Indian kids for example, they liked to play but most
of times they had to do chores.
I read the whole article about Black Hawk, one of the famous
chiefs. He was good at battling. He killed Indians of other
tribes when he was young. I realize although he was good at
fighting, Indians were still persecuted by Americans' guns
and con games.
Picture1:The model of Longhouse Picture2:Iroquois wampum belt
Picture3:Black Hawk

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Britain's Battle In WW2
This website is well arranged. I clicked on page10 The
Hawker Hurricane. You can find how it was designed.
I learn weapons can be used to save people, too.
This website talked about the RAF. I also clicked the "Our Last
Hour". In this war, Britain lost less soldiers than German. I
realize war always causes deaths, though you lost less soldiers.
I scan over this website and look at the picture. The picture shows
the trail of the battle between air forces. I also learned Britain
wasn't the sole country which fought with German. Also the US and the Soviet Union.

Picture1:General Marshall Picture2:British RAF plane Picture3:Sky of London

Monday, May 4, 2009

German Army In WW2
I look through this website and watch many
weapons. There're SMG, grenades, rifles, and
pistols. I learn that the improvement of
weapons may causes wars.
I read this website and the prices. Besides
the weapons, there are helmets and some
uniforms. After wars, those things will be-
come commodities or even mementoes.
They notice the pain of wars.
I surf this website and know different
cultures have different ways to salute. As
for German army, they raise their hands
toward the sky. It's their style.
Picture1:Tomato Masher Picture2:German helmet for sale Picture3:Handsome Hitler

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

German Occupation
I read this website and know the history by
the diary of a polish physician. I learn that
it is hard for them to resist because they
are not allowed to have armer.

I read the article and look at some pictures.
People had serious starvation under German's
occupation. Also, I know the worst thing is the
German government concealed the truth.
This website also talks about Poland under
the occupation. However, it was conquered
by both German and Soviet Union. Because
of that, they are same as slaves. I realized
not only Jews but also other human beings
were persecuted.
Picture1:A German armored columncrosses the Polish border.
Picture2:Child in hunger.
Picture3:Germans attack.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This website teaches the concept of blitzkrieg.
I click "Panzer Profiles" and look for a while.
I learned in blitzkrieg, panzers didn't fight in-
dependently. It was supported by artillery
and airforce, too.

I look around this website. It explains where the

idea of blitzkrieg comes from. I learned that it is

Guderian's plan, and also, Hitler was interested

in it. Though it was laughed by others before.

I scan over this website and discover some new

things. In WW1, it was impossible to invent

mobile artillery and machine guns. That's because

blitzkrieg is based on speed. Furthermore, I

learned that the improvement of weapons causes

more damages.

Picture1: Panzer IV Picture2: A British view on Blitzkrieg Picture3: German tank column in

South Russia.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bomb Shelters and Air Raids of WW1
This website introduces nuclear bombs.
I scan it and look at some pictures. The
bombs in the photos are just model. From
this website I learned nuclear bomb is
so dangerous that it is not safe although
people stay in bomb shelters.

This website is full of pictures. It tells the
things of World War two. I look over all the
photos. You can click the second line to
view the map which has the location of
bomb shelters. From the map I know that
to protect people, bomb shelters are the
more, the better.
This website talks about how to notice that
there's a danger. Furthermore, how the
people in World War two protected them-
selves. I read it and learned how they
defence. According to the article, they use
color to show the dangerous when there
are going to have air raids.Therefore, I
learned everyone must be aware in war.
Picture1:model"Little Boy" Picture2:model"Fat Man" Picture3:bomb shelter Picture4:poster

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A World Devided

I viewed this website and found it introduces
fascism by countries. Take the fascism in
Italy for example, Mussolini is the first people
who started it in Italy. I learn that same
thought may have different developtions in
different countries.

I scan this website and find there's a picture of
a man with big beard. His name is Karl Marx,
he is significant for communism. His thought
is called Marxism. It is kindness. Therefore, I
learn thoughts can be realized in many ways.

I look at the pictures in this website. These
pictures are interesting. They are the art of
of democracy. All the pictures have the mean-
nings of democracy. I learn that perhaps
democracy is common now, but many years
ago, people even have to propagate by pics.

Picture1:Benito Mussolini
Picture2:Head of Karl Marx
Picture3:Art Hazelwood

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


As for everybody knows, powwow is the gathering

of Native Americans. This website is like a diary.

From author's picture, I know he isn't successful

on pretending Indians. I look at the right list and

click "What is a Pow Wow?". I learn everyone

has different explains of the meaning of powwow.

Some think it's a behave of culture, some think

it's a war dance.

I scan over this website and find it writes about

what the writer had experienced on the powwow.

Furthermore, I learned for the natives, join the

powwow is important because of making friends

with others. Although there are many strangers,

they all dance and sing together.

This website, in fact, it is more like an invitation.

It will be hold on April 4 and 5, 2009,at Saline

Middle School in Saline. I watch the video beside

and learn how happiness and wonderful powwow

is. I also realize, to make friends with others

easily, by dancing and singing with others is the

quickest way.

Picture1: Crowded on the powwow.

Picture2: Man in Indian custome.

Picture3: Players ready for contest.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Nazi Party
This website connects to many other websites about
Hitler and Nazi. I scan it. The writer thinks Propaganda
was central to Nazi party. The writer wrote a book:
Bending Spines: The Propagandas of Nazi Germany
and the German Democratic Republic. The writer has
written a new book,too. It is named "Landmark Speech-
es of National Socialism". Both of them talk about Nazi.

I surf this website, and it has some introduce about theNazi
Party. It is a dangerous group, of course the centerof the
party, Adolf Hitler. It's said they believed that
they can live under the ground and fly toward the stars
by a mysterious substance called Vril.
Picture of Nazi:
I found this website about how is the women under Nazi's
law. Women were forced to give up work and have children
to make German powerful. Interestingly, many women
supported the National Socialist Party. In this website, you
can find some rules Nazi Party ruled about Germany wom-
en. Including keep mind and spirit pure, married to German,
and knowing the ancestor of their husband.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This website have more informations about
Nazi party. I scan it and click the top of the
website, Nazi Terror, some terrible things
which they had done. For example: End
individual freedoms, including freedom of
press, speech, and assembly.
I am interested in this website's title,
Hitler's Secret Jewish Girlfriend. It's strange,
hu? Because Hitler was famous for killing
jewish. This information is from a book wr-
itten by Hitler's best friend August Kubizek.
It's said that Hitler never concerned about
the truth which his girlfriend was a jewish.
And this, has many things about Hitler's life.
At the part of "Hitler's Boyhood", it even
mentions that he had a fine singing voice. He
also seriously considered becoming a priest
for two years. In this website, there is a
sentence:"It was not long before the great
historic struggle had become my greatest
spiritual experience. From then on, I became
more and more enthusiastic about everything
that was in any was connected with war or,
for that matter, with soldering." - Hitler
stated in his book Mein Kampf.
Picture1:Groups of Nazi.
Picture2:Hitler's secret girlfriend.
Picture3:Our great Hitler.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Meaning of Life

Insignificant mortals, who are as leaves are,
and now flourish and grow warm with life,
and feed on what the ground gives,
but then again fade away and are dead.
-by Homer
This website:
has some informations of the meaning of life.
Life is dream, life is pain, life is short... ...
However, my thought of the meaning of life
is as same as the poem at the top. Life is just
like a plant, we gain knowledge to grow. And
then seeds become trees, and so do we. But
we can find that the leaves fall, of course,big
trees die, and so do we. Nevertheless, it does
not mean the end. More and more plants
grow by the nutrient of the dead tree. Human
should be the same, our life's valuable can't
disappear after we die. What we must do is
to have contribution to the social. This is my
target, and it should also be everyone's.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Myth about Farming
This website has many myths. For example:
The Forgotten Ear Of Corn

An Arikara woman was once gathering corn
from the field to store away for winter use.
She passed from stalk to stalk, tearing off
the ears and dropping them into her folded
robe. When all was gathered she started to
go, when she heard a faint voice, like a
child's, weeping and calling:"Oh, do not leave
me! Do not go away without me."The woman
was astonished. "What child can that be?"
she asked herself. "What babe can be lost in
the cornfield?"She set down her robe in
which she had tied up her corn, and went
back to search; but she found nothing.
As she started away she heard the voice
again:"Oh, do not leave me. Do not go away
without me."She searched for a long time.
At last in one corner of the field, hidden
under the leaves of the stalks, she found one
little ear of corn. This it was that had been
crying, and this is why all Indian women have
since garnered their corn crop very carefully,
so that the succulent food product should not
even to the last small nubbin be neglected or
wasted, and thus displease the Great Mystery.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Egyption God and Goddess
This website talks about some egyption gods and
goddesses. I will introduce three gods here.

For picture one,this god is Osiris.Osiris, a member
of the Great Ennead, was not only god and chief
judge of the Underworld but also god of resurrection
, the Inundation and vegetation. He was represented
as a mummified king. He was murdered by his
jealous brother, Seth, but was resurrected.

Then picture two, Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris.He

is also the god of sky. Born to Isis after the murder
of Osiris by the god Seth.He was raised by his mother
to avenge his father's murder, a struggle that lasted
80 years before the gods finally awarded him victory
and the throne of Egypt.

The last picture, Anubis, the god of death.It was Anubis
who guided the dead on the paths of the Underworld.
Early on in Egyptian history, before Osiris rose to pro-
minence, Anubis was the great funerary god, lord and
guardian of the necropolis.He was depicted as a black
jackal-like creature, or as a man with a jackal's head.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Myths about Heroes
This website talks about some heroes:
The first picture is Hercules.There is a legend that says
Hercules kills two snakes since he was a baby.It is Hera,
who put snakes.But he muders his own child(under the
guidance of Hera, of course).
The second one is Theseus.He has a famous legend.He
volunteered to feed the half man-half bull beast in the
labyrinth.With the help of the creature's half sister,

Theseus was able to slay the monster and find his way
out again.
The last picture is Odysseus.Who is famous for Troian
horse.Because he had the idea of it.He was also one of
the few Greeks to reach his homeland of Ithaca,after
10 years of war and 10 years of troubles at sea.He was
a descendant of Hermes, god of thieves.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hunter and Gatherer Myths
The Forgotten Ear of Corn is about when an indian woman
cutting corns,she heard ""Oh, do not leave me. Do not go
away without me."She search for the sound,at last,she found
that it is an ear of corn.This myth tell us we can't waste anything.
In 'Story of the peace pipe' ,there are two men walking beside
the ravine.They see a beautiful woman and she gives a pipe to
them.She said that it can makes the world peaceful when you
play it.Perhaps Indian want to be peaceful so there is the myth.
The Pact of the Fire explains how dogs are related to human.
In this story,there was a femail dog and her babies.In cool
winter,they were almost dead.So the dog asked two humans for
food and the warmful of fire,then her babies would protect their
life.Both humans agreed,and after that,the mother dog died.