Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pearl Harbor
This article length is so long that I just read some
paragraphs. After I read it, I found people like to show
the results by numbers. However, we have to put the
emphasis on preventing attacks like this.

This website talks about a story of a couple that lived
in Pearl Harbor. I read all of it and found the attack
of Pearl Harbor was the most successful one than the
others. I also learned countries didn't care what they
were attacking during the war. Though the houses
of civilian.
The length of this website is much longer than the first
website I found. Call me if you finish reading all of it.
There's a film "Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor". From the
sentence president said:“day which will live in infamy”
I realized how brutal Japan was that time.
Picture1:Pearl Harbor in 1941 Picture2:The house in Pearl Harbor Picture3:Battleship USS
Arizona explodes

1 comment:

Savant English School said...

Good websites, indeed. However, you were supposed to embed a video in the post this time. We'll talk more about this in class. Follow instructions, please. Otherwise, okay, though...