Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Nazi Party
This website connects to many other websites about
Hitler and Nazi. I scan it. The writer thinks Propaganda
was central to Nazi party. The writer wrote a book:
Bending Spines: The Propagandas of Nazi Germany
and the German Democratic Republic. The writer has
written a new book,too. It is named "Landmark Speech-
es of National Socialism". Both of them talk about Nazi.

I surf this website, and it has some introduce about theNazi
Party. It is a dangerous group, of course the centerof the
party, Adolf Hitler. It's said they believed that
they can live under the ground and fly toward the stars
by a mysterious substance called Vril.
Picture of Nazi:
I found this website about how is the women under Nazi's
law. Women were forced to give up work and have children
to make German powerful. Interestingly, many women
supported the National Socialist Party. In this website, you
can find some rules Nazi Party ruled about Germany wom-
en. Including keep mind and spirit pure, married to German,
and knowing the ancestor of their husband.

1 comment:

Savant English School said...

Better than last week. You seem to have read more and found the right number of sites. However, your third site has no photo and you forgot captions for all the photos. Otherwise, good work.