Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Piracy,it sounds like pirate.But
it isn't,they both do stealing.
Pirates steal diamonds but other
steals "colophon".Colophon means
the things is belogs to the author
or company,the author have to
consent you then you can use it.
So piracy means you don't get
the consent and download or
use to do other things.
The website above is talking about
it.Some one who steal the colophon
of software.The person has to pay
lots of money.My feeling is,this
thing isn't right but for some of
the people,if they don't do it,they
can't live anymore because it is
their work.Another reason,take
example:"A" wants to buy Nike's
shoes but it was too expensive so
he makes one for itself.We have
to think more about it.

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