Monday, November 26, 2007

Easter Island

This is the website of

Easter Island.I believe

everyone knows it.It

was very interesting

and mistory place.
My thought is:
Those "stones" looks foolish but
it was the most important things
on the island.Because many
scientist are thinking about how
to move those stones at the
ancient time.Even somebody th-
ought "Alians" did it.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Much to the delight of Pokémaniacs the world over, Nintendo and Game Freak have finally brought a proper Pokémon game to the Nintendo DS with Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, and it delivers much of what a fan would desire—a richer, more detailed presentation, the ability to battle and trade Pokémon over the Internet, and of course, more than 100 brand-new Pokémon to collect. Like any of the core Pokémon games released since the original Red and Blue hit in 1999, Diamond and Pearl offer some nice upgrades, but if you didn't like Pokémon then, you probably won't care for it now. That said, it's a little surprising how well the formula holds up in Diamond and Pearl, which is a testament to the strong fundamentals of the series as well as the quality of the execution.

The core Pokémon games have never looked better.

Sticking to the script, Diamond and Pearl start out the same as any other Pokémon game, and though the specifics are different, the story plays out in a familiar fashion. Playing as either a young boy or girl living in the out-of-the-way hamlet of Twinleaf Town in the Sinnoh region, you and your highly competitive best friend are sent into the world by Professor Rowan to collect as much data on the Pokémon that inhabit the region as is possible, which you do by capturing and fighting. During your travels, you will battle plenty of wild Pokémon and other Pokémon trainers like yourself, as well as face off with the leaders of eight different Pokémon gyms spread across Sinnoh. And, in the tradition of the nefarious Team Rocket, Diamond and Pearl introduce the shadowy and oddly self-righteous Team Galactic, a new Pokémon-obsessed organization for you to square off with. The plot doesn't tread much new ground for the series, and it generally keeps things real light and breezy. They won't dazzle you with the complexity or originality of their storytelling, but Diamond and Pearl are still packed with lots of sharp writing. There are hundreds of people for you to meet, and though they don't always offer lengthy conversations, they all have something to say.
The story is ultimately in the service of the gameplay, which fans and newcomers should be able to leap right into without much fuss. You start off with a single Pokémon companion by your side, which serves as your proxy in battle—you might be calling the shots in a fight, but it's your Pokémon that do all the heavy lifting. As you wander through forests, fields of tall grass, underground caves, and a myriad of other locations, you'll regularly be attacked by wild Pokémon, which, if you're able to wear down their health without defeating them entirely, can be captured in a Pokéball, effectively taming them and turning them into companions. You can have up to six Pokémon with you at once, and each of your Pokémon can learn up to four different abilities. These abilities can come naturally as they earn experience in battle, or you can teach them new tricks using technical machines and hidden machines, which can be earned in a number of different ways. As they grow stronger, many Pokémon can also evolve, effectively turning them into an entirely new and more powerful Pokémon.
The combat is turn based, and it's mostly about the rock-paper-scissors nature of the different types of Pokémon. The only difference between Diamond and Pearl is the Pokémon contained within each game. With the addition of 107 brand-new Pokémon, Diamond and Pearl raise the grand total of Pokémon to capture to well over 480. Every single one of them can be categorized by type. Some of these types are defined by elements, such as water-type Pokémon and fire-type Pokémon, while others are determined by more specific, functional differences, such as fight-type Pokémon and poison-type Pokémon. Each type of Pokémon is inherently weak to the attacks of another, so the key to combat is having a well-balanced team of Pokémon with you that will be able to handle whatever types of Pokémon get thrown at you. It's a simple enough concept to grasp, but there are enough different types of Pokémon out there that you'll find yourself constantly tweaking your roster of active Pokémon and laboring over which abilities you should be giving to which of your Pokémon. The fact that you're constantly running in to, and thus capturing, new Pokémon makes the process that much more involved. And that's just the basics. Aside from wandering around the Sinnoh region and getting into countless Pokémon battles, you'll fish, harvest and plant berries, cook up special treats for your Pokémon, enter your Pokémon in a pageant, set up a secret hideout, and more. These games are long, with the main stories clocking in at well over 40 hours, and those intent on hunting down the rarer Pokémon will spend far more than that.
The bulk of the activities in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl aren't new to the series, so what separates these two from the Pokémon games that appeared on the Game Boy Advance? For starters, the presentation has been improved to take advantage of the superior DS hardware. Though the game is mostly still presented in 2D, there's improved detail to the 2D and you'll notice lots of nice polygonal touches. For example, buildings and windmills are rendered in 3D, and it's enough to give the 2D world a little depth. The game also has a bright, highly saturated color palette that makes it a pleasure to look at. When in battle, the Pokémon are still static 2D sprites—much of which appears to have been recycled from the Pokémon games on the GBA—but in general, the 2D art still looks sharp. The dynamic battle transitions look great, as do the numerous attack effects. Diamond and Pearl also feature some catchy music, and there's a whole lot of it, with a special theme for virtually every location or activity. As clean and upbeat as the music is, though, some of the sound effects from the Pokémon themselves sound screechy and lo-fi. It's out of place, considering how great the rest of the game looks and sounds.
There's also a little touch-screen support in Diamond and Pearl, letting you use the stylus to select menus during battle and play a few simple, rather forgettable minigames that crop up. During most of your travels, the lower screen on the DS is occupied by your Pokémon watch (Pokétch for short). In addition to telling the time, you can install a number of applications, some more useful than others, on your Pokétch. There's a calculator, a pedometer, a status screen for your Pokémon, a metal detector of sorts, and more.

Online play means it's that much easier to find others to battle and trade with.

What's probably the most significant new feature in Diamond and Pearl is online play, which lets you battle, trade, and chat with other players over the Internet. The trading system is surprisingly robust, letting you put any of your Pokémon up for trade on a global market, while specifying which Pokémon you'll trade it for. Once you define the terms of the trade, the Pokémon is transferred to a server, and you can set it and forget it. Your DS doesn't even need to be turned on for someone to agree to your terms and complete the transaction. The online battle options aren't as immediately accessible. Early on, you'll need the game-specific friend code for anyone that you want to battle online, and it will take dozens of hours of single-player action before you'll be able to battle with random strangers. The game also supports voice chat using the newly released DS headset, but you can only use it with other players whose friend codes you've already registered. Of course, you can also still battle and trade with other people through a local Wi-Fi connection. Diamond and Pearl also promise connectivity to the upcoming Pokémon Battle Revolution for the Nintendo Wii, purportedly letting you use your DS as a controller and take the Pokémon you've collected on the DS into battle on your TV.
Between the 100-plus new Pokémon, the improved presentation, and the online play, this is a must-have game for established fans. The new features also make this the most well-rounded Pokémon game to date, and if you've never dabbled in the world of Pokémon before, there's no better game to start with.

All of those are the opinion of
Pokemon's game in Gamespot.
Pokemon's game is always my
favorite game.
My opinion of those suggest is
:It talks about many things of
the game and the goods of
platform.But sometimes I
thought their suggests of game
is too hard to know the meaning
of it.When I translate the para-
graph on Yahoo,there are some
strange meaning of it.I hope
the website will be better in
this part.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Halloween,for me is a day

to have fun and relax.Take

me for example,I have

party,eat many things and

watch movie.Have a happy


Sunday, October 28, 2007

My Chat Session

岳嘉 李: Hello!毛 孫: Hi! I am Brian
岳嘉 李: I am Johnny
岳嘉 李: So borning毛 孫: Yes 
岳嘉 李: What are you doing now?
毛 孫: Of course I am typing 
岳嘉 李: Did you finish the Halloween cloth?
毛 孫: Not yet 岳嘉 李: I finished it! 
岳嘉 李: I made a cloth of killer... 毛 孫: Killer? Cool 
岳嘉 李: Aaron is a bubble...
毛 孫: Hey! How it goi. . . oh. . .I thought you were someone else. . . but I guess I can talk to you.毛 孫: I want to be a purple chicken 
岳嘉 李: Danny made a purple chicken
毛 孫: He is a purple chicken 
岳嘉 李: It's cute 
岳嘉 李: And.....毛 孫: Sup? 
岳嘉 李: Why is your name that strange?
毛 孫:  岳嘉 李: Are you Ok?毛 孫: So,so 
岳嘉 李: Don't be afraid.... 
岳嘉 李: Because I am Johnny!毛 孫: Ok 
岳嘉 李: Johnny killer 
岳嘉 李: Wohaha毛 孫: I am dying 
岳嘉 李: Are you crazy?毛 孫: So,so 
岳嘉 李: Did you finish your writing?
毛 孫: Yes 
岳嘉 李: Oh!I don't! 
岳嘉 李: Ouch!Purple chicken is eating me!
毛 孫: Danny? 岳嘉 李: Hey,say something 
岳嘉 李: Yes毛 孫: (music) It's okay now, I'm here!  
岳嘉 李: Is 5 minutes after?
毛 孫: Maybe more毛 孫: I think 
岳嘉 李: Maybe we must have a watch to know the time!?
毛 孫: Yes 
岳嘉 李: Did you saw Lily's or Serena's blog?

Monday, October 22, 2007

Ancient Art

Discovered at Italy. Another picture of website.
The both pictures above is find from
Yahoo.I learn that there are many
kinds of "Ancient Art".I thought there
are just some drawing on walls or
some hand prints.And I saw few pic-
ture about statue that ancient people
make for want more babies.I saw what
is the real art.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Piracy,it sounds like pirate.But
it isn't,they both do stealing.
Pirates steal diamonds but other
steals "colophon".Colophon means
the things is belogs to the author
or company,the author have to
consent you then you can use it.
So piracy means you don't get
the consent and download or
use to do other things.
The website above is talking about
it.Some one who steal the colophon
of software.The person has to pay
lots of money.My feeling is,this
thing isn't right but for some of
the people,if they don't do it,they
can't live anymore because it is
their work.Another reason,take
example:"A" wants to buy Nike's
shoes but it was too expensive so
he makes one for itself.We have
to think more about it.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Meet Your Meat
I learned:
When we were eating beefs,
we didn't think about what
how did they be beefs.When
they were alive,they all live
in a small place,and can't turn
their bodies.So we can't just
watch the surfice of things.
I thought:
It was not fair for cows.The
dogs have good foods,good
living and good lifes.But the
cows don't have good living
and even foods.They eat many
drugs for there meat for more
delicious.It was very disgusting
and they were very poor.Their
lives isn't good enough.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Keep Healthy

In my lunch,my vegetable in
plates have 30%,and rice have
35%.The meat have 15%,and
also fish 15%.But sometimes
meat have 30% and sometimes none!
The last 5%
is eggs,but I somtimes eat it.

How about how to prevent
disease practicaly?This is my
suggest.In your plates,meats
must just have 10%.And veg-
etable can be more.Take exa-
mple of obesity,if you do the
way up and often doing sports,
it was hard to be fat.
This website is good,too.

Monday, September 17, 2007

The story is about a god named
Prometheus,he had a brother
named Epimetheus.He made
many people and his brother
made animals.And his brother
give animals talents,but humans
didn't have anyone.So
Prometheus stole the fire from
Zeus.Then Zeus punished him,
and stick him on Caucasus,but
he wasn't afraid
at all.Then Zeus's son saved
him.But then,Zeus wants to
let everyone knows that
Prometheus was still been
punishing,so Prometheus had
to take a metal ring with the
stone from Mount Caucasus.

The story told us,if you do
right things,you will have good
lucks on you.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Suspicious Information

The web is talking about a mountain at
Taiwan,there are a piramid in the moun-
tain.And many people said,that there was
the place when native people talk to alians.
Also many people thought alians like the
place with much smoke,and that place was
The reason that I think the information is
not real is because they can't 100% know
there were ET come before.

Monday, May 21, 2007

The Road of Time

Once upon a time,there was a teenage boy named Ray.Ray was afifteen-year old student.He had white skin and black hair.His eyes werespecial;one eye was blue and the other was red.He was very smart,and hisfamily had a secret;Ray's great,great,great,grand-father could use magic.
One day in the morning,it was time to go to school.Ray's mothernoticed that he wasn't ready and asked him but she got a rejection.Ray didn'twant to go to school today.For him school is boring,because he doesn't have anyfriends and he think the tests are too easy for him.But then,he thought it was boring to stay at home,too.After a moment of just sitting on thebed,he fall asleep again.In his dream,he was walking on a street,and hedidn't know where here was.Then,he felt something hot on his neck.It was sostrange.Suddenly,he woke up and looked at his pillow.There was something underhis pillow.He opened it and something appeared!It was a door and it opened.Through the door,there was a funny guy saying:"Welcome to theRoad of the Time."
Just at Ray awoke,he thought it was all very strange,but he still walked through the door."How can I serve you,sir?"said the clown.
Ray thought"I must still be dreaming!"But this had happened afterhis dream.It was very strange but it must be reality.And then,the clownlook him through another door because Ray didn't know where he should go.The clown said,"I chose a door for you and I hope you have a goodtrip.Any door here leads to a different tine and I don't know which one you like,so don't be
angry with me.There was another man that didn't like his trip and he threatened me!"He finished saying these things,laughed and pushed Ray through the door.
When Ray opened the door,he came to a room.There was nobody in it.He walked out of the house and he looked at the outside.There was a big word on the house."What!Traveler's House!Are you kidding!"said Ray.It was a strange name.Then,he went out onto the street and looked around.Sheep heads,sheep hands,sheep brains and sheep buttoms."How disgusting and why so much sheep?"Ray thought.Then,he hit something.It was two tall and strong men.They were very angry and they hit Ray.Ray was very hurt.They heat him until finally he couldn't walk.He fainted.
When Ray woke up,hewas on a soft bed and it was comfortable.And,the door was opened.A man came in with a cup of tea.Ray asked him what happened to him?The man introduced himself.His name was Ferdnam and he was a general.Ferdnam was thirty-one years old.He was very good with swords.He had white hair and many people liked him very much,because he was gentle and handsome.He had a scar on his left eye.He told Ray that he fainted on the street and it was raining.He saw Ray and brought him to his home.When Ray finished his tea,general Ferdnam brought him out for a walk and told Ray about the culture here."This country is called Victoria and sheeps are the only animals here.Victoria is in the west of Latis.Victoria has many forests,rivers and mountains.It is very beautiful.Victoria is just like paradise."Oh,by the way,the tea you just drank is made of sheep brains."said Ferdnam.
"What!I drank that disgusting thing!"thought Ray and he wanted to go to the bathroom.
Ferdnam laughed at him and told him many things.They became good friends after few days.
One day,there was a loud sound and everyone weny outside.Ray asked Ferdnam and he told him their enemies were coming.They were having a battle!Ferdnam told him that their enemies
came from the eastern land of Ainus.Ray also went out onto the road.Ray saw something so dangeruos!The war was going,all the soldiers were fighting their enemies,but they weren't people.They were dragons!While they were fighting the dragons,Ferdnam saw a boy running to him.It was Ray.Ray told him the other side of the town had dragons,too.And Ferdnam was surprise . He called the amy immediately to the other side to the fight. Because Ray discovered the dragons fihhting the other side,Ferdnam and his army won the battle! They were very proud of Ray. Ferdnam told Ray about Ainus, Ainus is in the East of Latis. Anius is very different from Victoria. Ainus is not rich and doesn't have any forest. And it is very cold. The dragons live there. The leader of the dragons is Latis. One thousand years ago, he was the king of this land. Now he is already one thouand and eighty years old. He can use magic to transform into an old man with a long beard. The dragons are all very smart and good at fighting. The dragons are fighting with the humans because we have polluted the land.
A few days later, Victoria wanted to kill all the dragons, so they came up with a plan. General Ferdnam said to Commander Hock "We can use a part of our army to fight with dragons and the other group will kill the leader of dragons, Latis, while they are occupied."
But the second part of the army can't be discovered ."Commander Hock said "Good idea. Get on this plan now!" But they diddn't succeed, because when the two armies were on the road, dragins ambused them and killed all of them. Their army was killed and everyone in Victoria was horrified. Derdnam said to Ray "Go back to the Traveler's house and you can get back to the world you came from,quick! Don't die like us!" Ray ran back there quickly. He opened the wood door and ran like a rocket. He saw the Road of the time and ran inside. The clown was inside and said " You 're still alive! How unbelievable!" He sent Ray to the time before Ray had left for Victoria. Ray was sitting on his bed again. Then, he thought of everything was over and he must go to school.
When he came back home from school, he asked himself,"Should I go back to help General Ferdnam?How is he? Is he Okay? Is he alive?" Then, just that moment , he reakized he was a "friend" of Ferdnam."Friend must help each other!" Then was a strange thing happened! Friendship made him become very powerful and he could use magic. He used a magic to summon Pillow clown again. He went through the road and chose his own door this time.
When he arrived back in Victoria, he saw many dragons fighting with soldiers. Suddenly, he saw Ferdnam fighting with a dragon. Ray used his magic and made an ice-storm attack. He killed many dragons at that time . General Fernam saw Ray in the sky with two wings. He could use magic. Ferdnam was very surprised and happy. But then, he saw a person running to toward the forest . It was commander Hock! Then sommething opened. High in the sky ther was a black hole, and they saw Hock use magic to fly into it. "The Crack of the World !"said Ferdnam. Ray asked him what itwas and Ferdnam said it was a secret place . There i an important thing inside! Them, the leader of the dragons, Latis, flew in, too. Ferdnam and Ray decided to go inside. They saw that Latis was fighting Hock And Hock was trying to take a black diamond. Latis said" You have betrayed everyone! You were our spy in Victoria,but now you want to destroy the world. I won't let you take the black diamond!" Ferdnam and Ray also heard this, but at the same time, Hock hit Latis and Latis fail into the lake. Hock escaped and flew back to Victoria.
Ray and Ferdnam went back out, too. They chased Hock, Ferdnam said."The Black Diamoind has a lot of power. We must to stop Hock becaused maybe he will destroy the world!"
"Oh! My God!"shouted Ray. Hock said " No one can stop me! I've been waiting for this day for a long time and I will use weapons to analyze the power- the Black Diamond will destroy this world!"
"Are you crazy! Why do you want to destroy the world? Don't you like here , too? said General Ferdnam." My family has had a terrible history here. The dragon, Latis, killed my whole family and he is the king here. I will take revenge and kill everyone!"said Hock and flew off with his new weapon. Suddenly, thunder hit Hock. It was Ray's magic! "I will stop you and you'll never kill anyone here, because Ferdnam is my friend !"shouted Ray. Then , Hock was angry," I will kill you first, using this Black Diamond!" But, General Ferdnam used his sword to kill Hock and he fell to the forest.
After a few days, humans and dragons became frienda again and Victoria was very peaceful. And thr dragons worked to protect the Black Diamond and it was a good start for this land. Ray was happy to have helped his friend and returned home a hero, even though it was a secret.

Monday, April 2, 2007

A Review

I don't have any good
movie to suggest you.
But I can suggest you
a great website.
You can try it,I think
it was very good.

The reason that I
suggest you is because
this website talk about
many movies.You can
click the arrow at the
middle to move it.And
it also have some
pictures about that
movies.You can put
the opinions,too.I
suggest you to look and
found the movies in it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Interesting Blogs
This blog tipes many words
and it have many things
in it.It also have many
pictures in its blogs.This is
why I like it.
And this blog is also very
good.The pictures in this
blog is even better then
the last one.And there
are many things about
the author.
This blog is about some
sports that it thinks
is funny sports.It also
tipe many words.So I
know the author likes
sports very much.But
,if it have pictures,it
will be better.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My cool dinosaur website

This is my dinosaur website
I like this website because
the dinosaur looks just like
real.All the dinosaur I like
the T-rax the most.Because
it was strong and it is cool.

I think this website is really
perfect.It have many
informations about dinosaur.
And it says,dinosaurs are
the most successful animals
ever live on the Earth.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

My friend blog

This is my friend blog :
Here are many bloggers of my friends.
These bloggers are very interesting,It's has
many thing about our class.I love our class,
Our teacher Aaron.He teach me english.
I think Lily blog was the best!She has many
picture about she and her friend.her blog has a
slow-witted picture aboutshe= = .And her do
all the homework about the class,she was a good
girl.Not like me,I has some homework do not do

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

My picture

We went to Kending and this is the wood house we stay there.

I play shoot gun at there.

I ride a horse and it was interesting.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

My favorite website

This is my favorate
Becuase I like this game
very much.

The beginning of life

Million years ago ,
some Alians com to
the Earth and throw
an egg to the ocean.
The egg begans to a
life and the life

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


My name is Johnny and this is my blog. I am 13 years old-- wow! a teenager. I like playing computer games and practising my English. It will be fun to have a blog and communicate with my classmates.