Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Meaning of Life

Insignificant mortals, who are as leaves are,
and now flourish and grow warm with life,
and feed on what the ground gives,
but then again fade away and are dead.
-by Homer
This website:
has some informations of the meaning of life.
Life is dream, life is pain, life is short... ...
However, my thought of the meaning of life
is as same as the poem at the top. Life is just
like a plant, we gain knowledge to grow. And
then seeds become trees, and so do we. But
we can find that the leaves fall, of course,big
trees die, and so do we. Nevertheless, it does
not mean the end. More and more plants
grow by the nutrient of the dead tree. Human
should be the same, our life's valuable can't
disappear after we die. What we must do is
to have contribution to the social. This is my
target, and it should also be everyone's.

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Hello,prexy ~
I'am Ellie .
Please often come to my blog when you're free !
(( English isn't very good = ="