Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Roman Art
I search this site about Roman art.Roman art grows out of
Etruscan art.Because of this,it has a close relationship to
Greek art as well.Roman art as a type of its own really gets
going around 500BC with the beginning of the Roman
In Roman art,having a good image of somebody's faca was
important to keep the spirit happy after they died so they

wouldn't haunt you.
There was also a lot of wall painting to decorate the walls of
houses during this time.It divided into four different styles.
The different styles of wall painting were found at Pompeii.

Picture3:In the first style, the fresco painting on the walls of houses is meant to look like marble panels (but it's a lot cheaper than marble panels!).

Picture4:Second style (with garlands added)
In the Second Style, the artists begin to add little things to the imitation marble panels in their paintings. This one has a garland. Other paintings have fruit, or flowers, or birds perched here and there.

Picture5:Third Style (with people and scenes)
Third Style Roman wall painting takes this idea further by adding whole
scenes to the walls. Here in this painting from the Villa of the Mysteries at
Pompeii you can see full-size people talking to each other and sitting on
chairs, as if there were another room there instead of a wall.

1 comment:

Savant English School said...

Awesome post! I love the pictures. I also am very interested in Roman art. The Romans and Greeks were the first to express the human form as it is. Great Work!