Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Iroquois Nation
I watched pictures of models they made. They've done a
good job. Iroquois Indians lived in which New York state
is now. I learn that things change quickly in the same place.
For example, the Longhouse vanished and buildings appear.

I read all questions and answers in this website. I learn
more about the life in Indian culture. I also know there
are somethings still don't change after hundreds years.
Take Indian kids for example, they liked to play but most
of times they had to do chores.
I read the whole article about Black Hawk, one of the famous
chiefs. He was good at battling. He killed Indians of other
tribes when he was young. I realize although he was good at
fighting, Indians were still persecuted by Americans' guns
and con games.
Picture1:The model of Longhouse Picture2:Iroquois wampum belt
Picture3:Black Hawk

1 comment:

Savant English School said...

Alright. I'm glad you learned about wampum, like Indian money