Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This website have more informations about
Nazi party. I scan it and click the top of the
website, Nazi Terror, some terrible things
which they had done. For example: End
individual freedoms, including freedom of
press, speech, and assembly.
I am interested in this website's title,
Hitler's Secret Jewish Girlfriend. It's strange,
hu? Because Hitler was famous for killing
jewish. This information is from a book wr-
itten by Hitler's best friend August Kubizek.
It's said that Hitler never concerned about
the truth which his girlfriend was a jewish.
And this, has many things about Hitler's life.
At the part of "Hitler's Boyhood", it even
mentions that he had a fine singing voice. He
also seriously considered becoming a priest
for two years. In this website, there is a
sentence:"It was not long before the great
historic struggle had become my greatest
spiritual experience. From then on, I became
more and more enthusiastic about everything
that was in any was connected with war or,
for that matter, with soldering." - Hitler
stated in his book Mein Kampf.
Picture1:Groups of Nazi.
Picture2:Hitler's secret girlfriend.
Picture3:Our great Hitler.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Meaning of Life

Insignificant mortals, who are as leaves are,
and now flourish and grow warm with life,
and feed on what the ground gives,
but then again fade away and are dead.
-by Homer
This website:
has some informations of the meaning of life.
Life is dream, life is pain, life is short... ...
However, my thought of the meaning of life
is as same as the poem at the top. Life is just
like a plant, we gain knowledge to grow. And
then seeds become trees, and so do we. But
we can find that the leaves fall, of course,big
trees die, and so do we. Nevertheless, it does
not mean the end. More and more plants
grow by the nutrient of the dead tree. Human
should be the same, our life's valuable can't
disappear after we die. What we must do is
to have contribution to the social. This is my
target, and it should also be everyone's.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Myth about Farming
This website has many myths. For example:
The Forgotten Ear Of Corn

An Arikara woman was once gathering corn
from the field to store away for winter use.
She passed from stalk to stalk, tearing off
the ears and dropping them into her folded
robe. When all was gathered she started to
go, when she heard a faint voice, like a
child's, weeping and calling:"Oh, do not leave
me! Do not go away without me."The woman
was astonished. "What child can that be?"
she asked herself. "What babe can be lost in
the cornfield?"She set down her robe in
which she had tied up her corn, and went
back to search; but she found nothing.
As she started away she heard the voice
again:"Oh, do not leave me. Do not go away
without me."She searched for a long time.
At last in one corner of the field, hidden
under the leaves of the stalks, she found one
little ear of corn. This it was that had been
crying, and this is why all Indian women have
since garnered their corn crop very carefully,
so that the succulent food product should not
even to the last small nubbin be neglected or
wasted, and thus displease the Great Mystery.