Wednesday, September 24, 2008


This is a website I found about Caesar:
Julius Caesar was born on 12 or 13 July.And this website talks about
the story of Caesar.In the ensuing civil war Caesar defeated the
republican forces.I also found another website:
This tells more about the war between Caesar and the senates of Rome.
He didn't hear them and lead his army cross Rubicon River.After he
won the war (with senates),he gave himself absolute power over the
empire.He then proceeded to reform the nation, giving jobs and land to
the poor.
Picture1 and 2:Julius Caesar's statue.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Rome Gladiator
I found this website about Roman gladiator.
Although there are a lot of pictures,the informations
are still much.The word "Gladiator" comes from the
Latin word "Gladius".It means sword,so gladiator
literally means a swordsman.The best way to let a
man fight is use a man who has nothing to lose.That's
why gladiators are almost slaves,crinimals,and the
prisoners of war.However,some ordinary Romans
volunteered to be a gladiator.The gladiators also went
to a special school for them named "Ludi".

Picture1:Amphitheater of El Djem, in Tunisia(North Africa) (the second biggest in the Roman Empire, after the Colosseum in Rome).

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Roman Art
I search this site about Roman art.Roman art grows out of
Etruscan art.Because of this,it has a close relationship to
Greek art as well.Roman art as a type of its own really gets
going around 500BC with the beginning of the Roman
In Roman art,having a good image of somebody's faca was
important to keep the spirit happy after they died so they

wouldn't haunt you.
There was also a lot of wall painting to decorate the walls of
houses during this time.It divided into four different styles.
The different styles of wall painting were found at Pompeii.

Picture3:In the first style, the fresco painting on the walls of houses is meant to look like marble panels (but it's a lot cheaper than marble panels!).

Picture4:Second style (with garlands added)
In the Second Style, the artists begin to add little things to the imitation marble panels in their paintings. This one has a garland. Other paintings have fruit, or flowers, or birds perched here and there.

Picture5:Third Style (with people and scenes)
Third Style Roman wall painting takes this idea further by adding whole
scenes to the walls. Here in this painting from the Villa of the Mysteries at
Pompeii you can see full-size people talking to each other and sitting on
chairs, as if there were another room there instead of a wall.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Roman Architecture

I found this website: about

Roman architecture.Romans are famous
for architecture,too.For example,Hadrian’s
Pantheon, a temple to all the gods.Nobody
would build a bigger dome for more than
a thousand years.The Romans brought
a lot of new ideas to architecture, of
which the three most important are the
arch, the baked brick, and the use of
cement and concrete.
We don't have much Etruscan architecture
left.Nevertheless,a lot of their underground
tombs servive.
Page2 talks more about Rome. In the
provinces of the Roman Empire, people were
also building forums, temples, bath buildings,
amphitheaters and apartment blocks.
Picture1:Roman baths in Paris.
Picture2:Baths of Caracalla.