Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rome Bath

I found this website
about Rome.There is a long list.If you want to know more
about Rome it will be the best choice.Click on of them:baths
( and the four
picture beside are from there.Picture1:The builder of this
famous bath house was Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus (Sep-
tember 18, 53 - August 9, 117), Roman Emperor (98-117),
commonly called Trajan. He was the second of the so-called
"Five Good Emperors" of the Roman Empire. Under his rule,
the Empire reached its greatest territorial extent.
Picture2:It was on to the Caldarium, similar to a Turkish
bath, hot and steamy.The floor tiles have been removed to
expose the empty space through which hot exhaust gases
flowed, heating the tiles.
Picture3:Trajan Bathhouse.
Picture4:Introduce the building.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Rome's Army

I found the information of Roman army from
The military part.
One of its part talk about that the army had
five parts:the three lines of manipular heavy
infantry (hastati, principes and triarii), a force
of light infantry (velites), and the cavalry
We seldom hear about the Roman navy.It was
used to control and defence the piracy.