Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Keep Healthy

In my lunch,my vegetable in
plates have 30%,and rice have
35%.The meat have 15%,and
also fish 15%.But sometimes
meat have 30% and sometimes none!
The last 5%
is eggs,but I somtimes eat it.

How about how to prevent
disease practicaly?This is my
suggest.In your plates,meats
must just have 10%.And veg-
etable can be more.Take exa-
mple of obesity,if you do the
way up and often doing sports,
it was hard to be fat.
This website is good,too.

Monday, September 17, 2007


The story is about a god named
Prometheus,he had a brother
named Epimetheus.He made
many people and his brother
made animals.And his brother
give animals talents,but humans
didn't have anyone.So
Prometheus stole the fire from
Zeus.Then Zeus punished him,
and stick him on Caucasus,but
he wasn't afraid
at all.Then Zeus's son saved
him.But then,Zeus wants to
let everyone knows that
Prometheus was still been
punishing,so Prometheus had
to take a metal ring with the
stone from Mount Caucasus.

The story told us,if you do
right things,you will have good
lucks on you.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Suspicious Information


The web is talking about a mountain at
Taiwan,there are a piramid in the moun-
tain.And many people said,that there was
the place when native people talk to alians.
Also many people thought alians like the
place with much smoke,and that place was
The reason that I think the information is
not real is because they can't 100% know
there were ET come before.